From the   Boots  to the

We help electric, gas, and solar utilities enhance habitat and report biodiversity. Follow our path from the boots to the boardroom.  
Write your awesome label here.
Watch the video above to learn more about what we do.
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Boots on the Ground   Create  Habitat

The boots on the ground, i.e. your vegetation management crews and contractors, hold the key to creating, enhancing, and maintaining desirable and compatible habitat on the lands you manage.

Do they have the tools they need to be effective? Let Grow With Trees help you develop a training program to promote habitat management among your crews and contractors.

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Boardrooms Can  Report  Biodiversity

​​​Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) programs that manage for compatible species, and not just incompatibles, qualify to disclose biodiversity-related activities as Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) on prominent indices. 

Leading ESG platforms include:
  • Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI)
  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
  • Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
These indices provide numerous opportunities to quantify and qualify IVM and Integrated Habitat Management (IHM) activities on fee owned lands and rights-of-way. Let Grow With Trees help disclose your IVM programming as ESG today!
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Enroll Online

Check out our standard online training course library and enroll in a course today for free! 
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